Your web site is your entrance to the internet to introduce your company or organization to potential customers around the corner, or literally around the world. It is the essential marketing tool that every company or organization cannot function without in today's competitive world. Customers are searching the internet from home, at work, and with their mobile phones.
Professional Custom Design
The presentation and professional design of your web site tells customers a lot about you, and "first impressions" mean everything. Our exceptional team of graphic designers, data programmers, and web site developers, will bring all the elements of web design into one impactful visual presentation that will effectively communicate your marketing message. At iSelect, our goal is to partner with you create a web site that engages, and conveys to your customers, who you are and why they should do business with you instead of your competitor.
What if I Need to Make Changes in the Future?
Content Management System (CMS)
No problem. In fact, many of the sites we design are customized so that you can make the changes to certain sections at any time. It is easy to learn. We can show you how. Examples would be calendars, photo galleries, editing text, changing weekly advertizing specials, etc. That is the selling versatility of a well designed website.
Drupal is the content management framework that we use to build all of our custom sites. It is extremely flexible and is easily extended to facilitate a large variety of websites types. It has quickly become the go-to CMS for professional website developers.
Drupal is used by some of the top websites in the world such as whitehouse.gov, grammy.com, and economist.com.
Web Standards
iSelect uses current web standards so that your site will work and be compatible with the largest market share of computers and mobile phones. Your web site will be "Search Engine Friendly". That means your site will be coded so that it is easy for search engines to read and index your site so your customers can find you easier. We also make sites "cross-browser", which allows your website to work with all major browsers.
I'm Ready... What Do I Need to Do Now?
That's easy. Just contact us by e-mail (sales@iSelect.net), or call us on the phone at (209-366-0496). One of our representatives can answer any questions and if you are ready, set up a meeting to discuss your new website. We will work with you to explain the process and design a custom web site for your specific needs.